Sunday, January 3, 2010

1 down, 4 to go

We had our first birthday of the year yesterday. Jakson turned 11 and we had a great time celebrating his day with him. We told Jakson that we could do whatever he wanted. He decided that he wanted to go to D.I. so we went to 3 different ones. I know is sounds funny but D.I. is one of the kids favorite places to go. We got Jakson a basketball bag and Max some clothes. Kyle found some awesome skis and boots for $16. When we got home from our D.I. adventures, the boys watched a movie while Kassidy and I made dinner - homemade whole wheat pizza. It was delicious. Then we had brownies and ice cream while Jaks opened his presents - a movie (Remeber the Titans) and a new basketball.

Jakson's favorite dessert!

Jakson's face after eating his favorite dessert!

He couldn't wait to watch the movie so that's what we did to finish off the day. It was a simple and laid back day but we had a lot of fun and it was a nice change of pace after the craziness of the holidays. We love Jaskon and can't believe that he is growing up so fast.
So, this was actually today but I thought it was funny so I had to include it.

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